Big school and many big changes…

I have been away a very long time… too long and have missed out writing on so many things that have happened. I really sometimes wonder why I just fall off the radar when this gives me so much joy and peace! Well, let bygones be bygones…

Many a things have happened, the new year started (! – yes been away for half already!), houses changed and yup, the BIGGEST of it all… our little man is not little any more, he is part of BIG school. He started two months back and boy were we anxious (!) but he has turned a new leaf, all thanks for Green Pocket. That experience has changed my little boy into a little brave boy ready to take on new experiences, explore, be comfortable in his own skin and last but not least given his hyped parents the calmness we so needed! Thank you Green Pocket, if only we can send him back and then back again.

Now coming back to big school – I still shake myself a bit or more like pinch myself when I find him getting up early (7 am) so that he can catch the school bus!  That’s his incentive… touch wood. He is loving it there (again, touch wood) and I feel it is like an extension of Green Pocket which means my little boy is ready to take on new experiences, have fun, come home and share it with his fan club and so on.

Life has changed but it is all worth it. We moved into a new home which is suiting us. Families have extended for the better and life seems like it always has been… “Happy Happy face” … can’t ask for more.


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