Mamma’s lil handy man

I kept asking when will my lil boy become mamma’s lil handy man and get things & do things for her…. 🙂 The time might have arrived! Baby steps that is….

I asked my handsome to get me my mobile, just taking a chance and what have we here – a obidient son who goes to the mobile, picks it up and promptly brings it to his very very proud mommy! My lil fella is taking baby steps (oh my god, isn’t he himself a baby!) towards becoming mummy’s lil handy man.

Also, we have a deal my puttu – anytime I ask for a blop kissi I am get it promptly. This is our lil deal which to my surprise is turning out to be very effective. For all the blop kissis  you give me, my heart just melts in that moment and I feel so grateful to you for having chosen me as your mamma and giving me blop kissis! Keep going my darling and keep giving us lil pieces of heaven every day, all day.

Of course thanks, my lil handy man!

Love you,



Happily Random

As I sit here in my freshly (actually just moved around furniture) done up sitting room, with pictures on the wall of us all…. rearranged furniture to make it look more cosy and an empty house, as the boys have gone out for a walk, I feel at peace. Maybe it’s the silence, maybe its the feeling of change or maybe its just! Its nice…. I went to the mandir room and said “hi” to GOD. Told him/them to keep us healthy and get us a good maid! I can’t believe it’s also crept into my prayers! 🙂 I walked around the empty house, ran into the verandah twice to see them leave (!) and walked around a little more not knowing what to achieve… but just walked. I miss just wandering around in the house without a purpose or an objective. Should do it more often, maybe get some more alone time where I am not worrying, or thinking what next, or just thinking random things. Yes, maybe it will come in the very near future when this maid thing is sorted out and we can focus on all the other things I planned or am wanting to do in this off time.

 I had an awesome moment today when we got up – Panu looked straight into my eyes and told me in his own style, i love you mama. He then rolled around in the bed and hugged me, gave me one huge grin and then again looked straight into my eye. I even got a blop kissi early in the morning, before even getting out of bed – These are the things that keep me going amidst the confusion of days!

 I don’t know whether its coincidence or not, but whenever Hanu travels, I land up doing stuff to the house. Last time when he was returning from his trip, mummy and I bought curtains and got them altered and arranged, all in time of his arrival. And if I go to see it, it’s always the last day of returning when I start doing this. It’s my crazy way of just welcoming his back and telling him that I missed him – furnishing and decorating! Anyways, coming back to this time which was a very very short trip – 1 night; we managed to rearrange the entire living area, put up the wonderful (it’s a beginning to   of frames and personalizing the entire space!) frames, etc etc… all in time AGAIN!! He loved it but before him I also got approval from the little prince – He enjoyed himself because we have put down a small space for him – his very own gadda, the bookshelf is more accessible for him now and he has more curves to play chuk chuk gaadi! I love redecorating…

 I sadly can’t get myself to not call the camel Senthil – its the lip thing! Oh GOD why why….

 Had a lovely outing with Ma yesterday. She amazes me with her energy and I always say touch wood!  Had a club sandwich after ages.. not as great as the ones I would have from Mocambo but it came close enough. Of course the damn umbrella had everything beeping and us being eyed as terrorists! The poor umbrella was scrutinized

 …………and well the silence has ended. They all are back and thank GOD for that! I go back to playing car car… wow!

His library 🙂

Chuk chuk gadi

in house slide..



Senthil in the background

An almost blop


State of mind and more…

I’m confused…. happy, unhappy, mixed, anxious, impatient, trying to be patient…. the list probably goes on…. I am supposed to unwind, take it easy, feel and go with the flow! But am unable to do this… it feels almost as if I am sitting on a fence and looking at myself do and feel the way I am. Things are still not how they are supposed  to be!  So let’s ditch the thought that I am having for now and let me concentrate on what’s going good… What else, but my little fella and all the amazing things he does to pacify his over hyped, over thinking mother.

 We made our 2nd road trip with the prince sometime this month to Pondy – its a 6 hour drive from home. So bags were over packed (!), an electric cooker was bought to prepare his food at the resort… basically we were doing everything we did for the Mahabalipuram trip. It’s obvious that both hanu, nani and I were stuck in a time rut. Our fellow decided to surprise us by eating every meal – yes, every meal cooked by the chef themselves! So it was soup and bread, curd rice (thank GOD he likes curd), chikhdi, uppamma, and almost everything else that was a little bland. This much to our utmost delight and of course hanu kept saying that he has gone on me – bahar ka khana! Yeah…my baby! 

Dont miss the potty seat! 🙂


Sleeping peacefully like a doll with Adla

 It was a wonderful much-needed break – he still hasn’t warmed up to the sea as much as we would like but at least this time he did allow us to wet his feet in the water and didn’t cry his heart out! As long as he was in mamma or papa’s arms in the water, he was okay to go.  The city also was an amazing experience. This is the first place hanu and I have gone back to after having a baby – Yes it was different, but a different fun all together! We kept reminiscing about our last trip.  



 It was a very special trip. Hanu drove like a pro, panu was on his best behaviour, ma enjoyed her stay and tandoories and Simple relaxed with her baba! And me… it was a super time and I can’t wait for the next one. At least I have the flexibility now 🙂