When did you grow up…

It’s afternoon and Hanu is “working from home”, Adla is in the kitchen and Nani in the next room….. Panu sahab suddenly opens a book with nursey rhymes and turns a circle…. Adla figures out what he did! He saw “Ringa rings roses” in the book and reacted to it by enacting it… 🙂 Awwww my small baba is actually reading books and dancing to nursey rhymes all by himself…


Up the hill and down the hill is something we would hold his little finger and do. Many a times we tried leaving his little fingers but my small man would not venture out himself. We took him down a couple of days back and what do we see…. Our lil fellow goes up the hill himself and also comes down the hill himself 🙂 Stopping when he has to and moving forward when he has too… he’s making decisions himself and that too calculated ones! Awww….


He is downstairs with his cycle (Most of the days with ensuring enough excercise for Nani) all happy with Mama….. a car approaches from far. He stands up, moves aside and comes to mummy…. he knows its a car and that he is not supposed to be there, bang in the middle of the road… do I see some road sense already 🙂


He’s about to be given a maalish and mummy is almost struggling to keep him in the bed room… suddenly “All is Well” is heard playing on TV…. he stares into oblivion and immedaitely realises its a fimiliar song he loves… leaves me against my might and will in the bedroom and rushes to the TV 🙂 He always did recognize good music…. but from a distance, he knew immedaitely where to go. May I add, he waited till the song was over and then came back to mummy! Thanks for that… at least!


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8…..long pause from mama/papa and then the lil fella says “noone” (with one long breathe from the nose) a smile follows and we conclude by saying Ten…  (again from the nose!)  – Do I assume he’s counting already! (Not really, tried and paused at 5 and still “noone” followed!)


When did my little puttu grow up to become my big boy!  

Mama & Papa is amazed by you our lil Panu… you keep growing, exploring, doing new things all so seamlessly…. God Bless You!